
Do You Need a UPS or the Best Inverter for Home Use?

Inverters and UPS are used when there is a blackout to support power requirements. We depend mostly on appliances such as lamps, fridges, A.C., fans, and many more, in our day-to-day lives that require regular power supply. If no power supply is available, appliances that depend on electricity will stop working. However, if there is a backup supply in proper devices such as a generator, inverter, or UPS, blackout or power cuts would not cause much trouble as you can use the appliances.

For general electrical appliances whose operation is not hindered by prolonged power supply delays, the best inverters for home are common.

UPS is used for electronic devices that perform critical tasks and cannot tolerate power supply delays, such as computers, servers, workstations, and medical equipment.

UPS Inverter:

UPS means Uninterrupted Power Supply. It provides uninterrupted power to equipment such as a display and a laptop when power is cut.

UPS inverter is a complete device that contains many components, including batteries, a charge controller, some shift switch circuitry, and an inverter to switch between the mains and backup battery. Since the battery can store D.C. power only, an inverter is needed. To balance the appliances connected to the main power line, we need to convert it back to A.C.


The best inverter for home circuit converts the current of the D.C. battery to A.C.. In an inverter, the direct current is reversed into an alternating current. Under normal conditions, the electricity supply is directly fed to the load. The supply is also taken from and charges the battery from the A.C. source. 

During the power cut, the inverter gathers the battery’s supply, transforms it from D.C. to A.C. power, and provides power to the electrical equipment. Inverters are aimed at providing full power backup to home appliances such as lamps and fans. 

Using a flat plate or tubular battery, an inverter stores electricity. Therefore, for continuous usage, the distilled water toppings must be filled at regular intervals.

UPS Vs Inverter

  1. Time Lag period: The time lag for backup after power reduction is 3 to 8 milliseconds in UPS. This lag period is around 20 milliseconds in the inverter.
  2. The UPS inverter and power inverter both provide a backup supply to the electrical system. The UPS and the inverter’s three major distinctions are that the UPS inverters are switched on automatically and are used to provide backup power to critical electronic equipment. Online UPS switches on immediately, while Line Interactive takes 4 ms to 6 ms. 
  3. The switch from the power supply to the battery, on the other hand, requires 15-20 ms of time in the power inverter. 
  4. Load Protection: Although the inverter does not have load protection, UPS offers protection against voltage fluctuation and noise load. 
  5. Back up time: The small UPS may have an integrated battery that offers 15-30 minutes of power backup. In contrast, an external battery with the best inverter for the home is ideal for individuals needing a longer backup. 

Trusted brands like Luminous offers a comprehensive range of the best inverter for home. Check out their website today!

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