Health & Fitness

When Should You Feel Your Baby Moving?

As a first-time mother, you may be curious about when you can expect to feel your baby move inside your womb. Feeling your baby move can be a beautiful and reassuring experience, but it’s also important to understand what is considered normal and when you should seek medical attention. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about when should you feel your baby moving, including when you can expect to feel those first flutters, how often you should feel them, and what to do if you notice any changes.

When Should You Feel Your Baby Moving?

Most women start to feel their baby move between 16 and 25 weeks of pregnancy, although some women may feel them as early as 13 weeks. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel your baby move until closer to 25 weeks. This is because your uterus is still small and your baby is still very tiny. However, if you’ve been pregnant before, you may feel those first flutters as early as 13 weeks.

What Does It Feel Like?

Feeling your baby move for the first time can be a very exciting experience. At first, you may feel what is described as “flutters” or “butterflies.” This can feel like gas bubbles or a slight twitching sensation. As your baby grows, the movements will become more pronounced and you will feel actual kicks and punches.

How Often Should You Feel Your Baby Move?

Once you start feeling your baby move, it’s important to pay attention to how often they are moving. Most healthcare providers recommend doing “kick counts” once a day. This involves counting the number of movements you feel within a specific time frame, usually an hour. Your healthcare provider can provide you with specific instructions for doing kick counts. In general, you should feel at least 10 movements in two hours.

What If You Don’t Feel Your Baby Move?

If you don’t feel your baby move, don’t panic. It’s normal for there to be times when your baby is asleep or less active. However, if you go several hours without feeling any movement, it’s important to try to stimulate your baby. You can do this by drinking something cold or sweet, or by lying on your side. If you still don’t feel any movement after an hour, contact your healthcare provider.

When Should You Contact Your Doctor?

If you notice any changes in your baby’s movement patterns, it’s important to contact your healthcare provider right away. This includes if you notice that your baby is moving less than usual or if you experience any bleeding, cramping, or other unusual symptoms. Your healthcare provider can perform an ultrasound to check on your baby’s health.

What Can Affect Your Baby’s Movement?

There are several factors that can affect your baby’s movement, including:

  • Your baby’s position: If your baby is facing your back, you may not feel their movements as strongly as you would if they were facing forward.
  • Your activity level: When you’re active, your movements can rock your baby to sleep. Try sitting still for a while and see if you notice any movements.
  • Your weight: If you are overweight, it may take longer for you to feel your baby move.

Tips for Tracking Your Baby’s Movement

In order to track your baby’s movement, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Set aside some quiet time: Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can concentrate on feeling your baby move.
  • Pay attention to patterns: Your baby may have a specific pattern of movement. Pay attention to when they are most active and when they are quiet.
  • Keep a journal: Writing down your baby’s movements can help you keep track of any changes.
  • Use technology: There are apps available that can help you track your baby’s movements and kick counts.

When to Seek Emergency Medical Attention

In some cases, a decrease in fetal movement can be a sign of a problem with your baby’s health. If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek medical attention right away:

  • No movement for 12 hours or more
  • A sudden decrease in movement
  • Any bleeding, cramping, or other unusual symptoms

What Should You Do if You Are Concerned?

If you are concerned about your baby’s movement, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider. They can perform an ultrasound to check on your baby’s health and provide you with information on how to monitor your baby’s movements.


Feeling your baby move inside your womb is a special experience that many mothers cherish. While it’s normal to have questions and concerns about your baby’s movements, it’s important to understand what is considered normal and when you should seek medical attention. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that you are monitoring your baby’s movements and keeping track of any changes.


  1. What if I don’t feel my baby move at all?
  • If you don’t feel your baby move, try stimulating them by drinking something cold or sweet, or by lying on your side. If you still don’t feel any movement after an hour, contact your healthcare provider.
  1. How often should I feel my baby move?
  • It’s recommended that you do kick counts once a day and feel at least 10 movements in two hours.
  1. When should I seek emergency medical attention?
  • Seek medical attention right away if you experience a sudden decrease in movement or no movement for 12 hours or more.
  1. What factors can affect my baby’s movement?
  • Your baby’s position, your activity level, and your weight can all affect how strongly you feel your baby’s movements.
  1. What should I do if I’m concerned about my baby’s movement?
  • Speak with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your baby’s movement. They can perform an ultrasound and provide you with information on how to monitor your baby’s movements.

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