Health & Fitness

Best Home Upgrades and Equipment for Senior Fitness

Getting older doesn’t have to mean slowing down. In fact, seniors are more active than ever. With proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, seniors are not only living longer, but able to be as active as their younger counterparts. When it comes to exercise equipment, some are better choices than others. These are some of the best fitness equipment for seniors, which promote mobility, improve flexibility and can help prevent injury. In addition to purchasing the right equipment, you should also consider some home improvements that make staying active both safe and easy.

The Best Home Improvements for Seniors

Accessibility and mobility are key factors when it comes to making a home conducive for senior fitness. While staircases may seem like a good way to get some cardio in, they provide more risk than benefit. For that reason, installing a home elevator should actually be one of your biggest considerations. Although this is a large investment, it provides the perfect backdrop for aging in place. 

Having home elevators for older people available create greater ease of access and can actually increase mobility among those who use canes or walkers. With an elevator, they can get their steps in while accessing parts of the home that may have otherwise been off limits or difficult to reach. Another great addition to the home is ramps leading to and from entrances. This makes walking simpler and safer as these are both affordable and simple DIY home upgrades that allow seniors to walk with less joint strain or slip injuries.


This tried-and-true piece of equipment is perfect for seniors on the go. They can be adjusted to fit your fitness and boost heart health. You can choose between traditional models or ones that are made specifically for apartments. When it’s too hot or cold to move outdoors, you can get the most out of your treadmill workout since the treadmill is the perfect alternative and is better than staying sedentary. 

Stationary Bike

For seniors who want to remain active but aren’t able to stand for long periods of time, a stationary bike is an excellent choice. Stationary bikes offer the same benefits as biking outside. They’re also easy on the joints, which is important if you suffer from arthritis. Another perk of buying a stationary bike is their portability. Most are lightweight, which makes moving them easier. This is particularly important if you’ve undergone surgery for knee or hip replacement and can’t navigate the steps just yet.

Hand Weights

It’s normal to lose bone density as we get older, so in addition to increasing calcium intake, senior citizens can also use hand weights as well. They come in a variety of sizes and poundage. You can also choose between ones you hold or ones that go around your wrist.

Stepping Blocks

Stepping blocks offer the best of both worlds: aerobic conditioning and a low-impact workout. You can use these anywhere in your home and can even take them with you for fitness on the go.

Stability Balls

Even young people need a strong core to protect their lower back. And as you get older, strengthening your core is even more important. Stability balls work well for those who can’t perform traditional crunches and other core strengthening exercises.

Yoga Mats

Yoga is another low-impact workout that’s good for body and mind. Although you can perform yoga without one, having a yoga mat enhances the experience. They also make it easier to hold certain poses, which otherwise would be painful for knees and elbows.

Elliptical Machines

Ellipticals are the treadmill’s gentler on the joint’s cousin. Even though walking is super low-impact, not everyone can do it long distances. Those who suffer from back pain or who’ve had knee surgery may not tolerate walking on a treadmill. On the elliptical, you can perform a full-body workout that’s gentle on both your back and lower extremities.

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