Law and Legal

Who Is Liable for My Sidewalk Slip and Fall Injury?

Slip and fall accidents are dangerous and can cause severe injuries like broken bones and fractures. Most of us may have seen someone slip and fall on the sidewalk without considering the aftermath of such incidents. However, if you have been injured in a sidewalk fall accident, you may be wondering who is responsible for your injuries and if you are eligible to claim compensation. 

Liability in Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accidents

Most sidewalks are considered public property, which means that a government entity is responsible for maintaining and conducting regular inspections of the sidewalk. The county, city, or state could hold this responsibility. However, it is also crucial to understand that if the sidewalk is within a property’s boundaries, the property owner is required to maintain the sidewalk and fix any known hazards such as debris or snow within a reasonable time period.

The government entity may be held responsible for a slip and fall on a sidewalk if the accident occurred next to public parks, playgrounds, or public buildings such as schools or government offices. In several sidewalk fall cases, there is confusion about government liability. Hence, it is best to hire an attorney after your sidewalk slip and fall accident as an experienced lawyer can help review your case and determine the liable party. 

Proving Liability and Filing Your Sidewalk Slip and Fall Lawsuit

The property owner is considered negligent and is liable for your injuries if they were aware of the sidewalk’s dangerous conditions through inspection but did not do anything to clear the hazards. Also, if the property owner is unable to fix the hazard within a reasonable time period, they should put up signs warning pedestrians about the dangers and cordon off the area. To file your slip and fall lawsuit, you have to prove that the negligent party had a duty of safety toward you and their negligence caused your fall and subsequent injuries.

Depending on the party liable for your accident, you could have anywhere between 30 days to 2 years to file your lawsuit or submit a written notice. When you file for a claim, it is important to submit your claim against the correct party or the right government entity. If you file a claim against the incorrect party, it may delay your compensation procedure, or you may lose your right to receive compensation. This makes it imperative to seek legal assistance immediately following your sidewalk slip and fall accident.

How Can A Good Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer Help You?

No matter whether the property owner or a government entity is liable for your injuries, you deserve to receive appropriate compensation for your slip and fall injuries. A seasoned slip and fall injury lawyer can help you identify the correct party responsible for sidewalk repairs and whose negligence has caused your accident. In addition, a knowledgeable lawyer will use their legal expertise to help you file a lawsuit, negotiate settlements on your behalf and work tirelessly to ensure you can recover the damages that you legally deserve.

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