Dental Tips

5 Issues of Crooked Teeth Corrected by Dental Braces

Crooked teeth are generally considered aesthetic setbacks. Most people have them corrected because they do not like the way they look, particularly when they smile. But, according to the top dental care services in Dubai, crooked or misaligned teeth are not just a cosmetic problem, they are actually a much bigger dental concern.

This is a common dental issue, though. Studies reveal that this is usually a hereditary trait. Quite often, if parents have crooked teeth or an over or underbite, the likelihood of their children having the same dental issue is high.

Certain practices during childhood also result in crooked teeth. Those who had their milk teeth pulled out through crude methods, as well as children who thumb-suck, are at a high risk of developing crooked permanent teeth.

However, what are the real issues that stem from having crooked teeth or a snaggle tooth? A trusted orthodontist lists the following dental concerns caused by crooked or misaligned teeth.

1. Crooked teeth are prone to periodontal disease

When you have crooked teeth, they are much trickier to clean, which is the root cause of periodontal disease. Since toothbrushes are designed to clean straight teeth, you would have to invest in special dental care products for efficient cleaning and appropriate oral care.

If you neglect to make the necessary adjustments for the care of your crooked teeth, you increase your risk of getting cavities, tooth decay, and gingivitis. All of these can lead to even more severe health complications. Severe periodontitis, after all, is linked to certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and even diabetes.

2. Crooked teeth are prone to structural damage

When you have a tooth or a couple of teeth out of alignment, this places a strain on properly aligned teeth. Why? Crooked or misaligned teeth increase the impact of chewing on the teeth that are in their correct positions.

This often results in the uneven wear of certain teeth and parts of your gums. Not only that, but the presence of crooked teeth can also put more pressure on the jaws and mouth muscles. It’s important to mention, too, that they tend to discolor quickly because they do not get used and cleaned like the other teeth.

3. Crooked teeth create speech difficulties

When you have a tooth or teeth out of place, speaking clearly may be more challenging for you. A lot of people who grow up with crooked teeth share that they often have difficulty enunciating certain phonetic sounds. There are also a lot of words that are very difficult to pronounce.

Therefore, if you have your eyes set on becoming a news anchor, teacher, or any profession that will require you to speak often, you’re at a disadvantage if you have crooked teeth.

4. Crooked teeth make you prone to halitosis

Another issue with crooked teeth is a lot of food debris get stuck on them. They create little pockets where food particles and mouth germs, and bacteria can reside. Again, because they make thorough brushing and flossing challenging, the proliferation of bacteria in these areas results in bad breath or halitosis.

Halitosis is no light matter. It’s a source of embarrassment. And, if it’s not addressed right away, it can lead to mouth infections.

5. Crooked teeth can cause mouth injury and indigestion

Misaligned teeth can interfere with the proper chewing of food. They can make your mouth instinctively adjust to make sure you’re breaking down what you’re eating properly. This can lead to you accidentally biting the inside of your cheeks or even your tongue.

Plus, when you find yourself being too careful with chewing to avoid mouth injury, you may end up not breaking down food sufficiently. This can place more pressure on your digestive system and lead to discomfort.

Braces as an all-inclusive solution

Fortunately, correcting such dental problems is just a matter of getting orthodontic braces. Typically, in a couple of years, braces can completely straighten your misaligned teeth. With straight teeth, you no longer have to concern yourself with the issues discussed above.

Plus, orthodontic braces will not just straighten your teeth; they can, likewise, address jaw alignment problems, which cause significant facial discomfort.

What happens is, when you’re self-conscious about your teeth which are not where they should be, you probably adjust your mouth to an uncomfortable position to be able to keep your lips closed. This creates poor mouth posture, which causes frequent facial pain and headaches.

Getting braces

To ensure the full efficacy of wearing braces, your orthodontist will examine your oral condition thoroughly. After an ocular inspection, they will take X-rays to see the depth of the crooked teeth issue. This will likewise show if you have teeth that have yet to cut through your gums.

This is followed by taking photographs of your face to understand the impact of teeth misalignment on your facial structure. And lastly, your dentist will get impressions of your teeth, and you can then decide on what type of braces you want to wear.

There are four main types of braces:

  • Traditional metal braces
  • Ceramic or clear braces
  • Lingual braces or braces attached to the back or sides of the teeth not instantly seen
  • Invisalign or clear, removable braces

All of these braces perform the same teeth straightening job. However, they do so in slightly different ways. Also, they have different appearances and features. Your dentist will advise you on which would be the most effective to use based on your unique misalignment issues, and you can also discuss your personal requirements.

Say, you want the correction to be as discreet as possible because you do not like the idea of wearing traditional metal braces at your more advanced age. Inform your orthodontist about this.

This way, you can come to an agreement as to which type of braces would work best for you in terms of straightening your teeth. Other personal concerns, such as your budget, convenience, and comfort, need to be discussed with your dentist as well.

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