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Exclusive Winner’s Guide to Influencer Marketing


The word ‘influence’ is derived from the Latin word influentem or “flowing in.” It is the root of the Old French influence, which described the streaming or flowing ethereal power that emanated from the stars acting upon human destiny. This unseen cosmic force of the Medieval world has today turned into a whole new form today. Straddling the power of social media, those who influence the netizen have the power to make or break a brand.

We know that influencer marketing is the single most force to reckon with in the age of modern digital marketing. However, with the mushrooming of so this trend influencers have also started getting flak for inauthenticity and sell outs. Only the unique voices and those who truly connect with the consumers will be able to add value to brands and businesses. Those who can keep with the changes and evolve with changing times will rule the roost and come out as  winners!

In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the fear of death to our doorstep, the global economy to a hitch and the world to a standstill. Self-isolation, social distancing, quarantining and isolation suddenly became household terms. To those who had more time on their hands, it catapulted the desire to connect with more people. Digital technology and social media became the panacea to a pandemic. Bringing people to at least a virtual closeness, the internet truly became the savior of the situation and caretaker to the crisis. To those fighting the battle in the frontlines, it brought a strategic medium to impart information, guidelines and most importantly hope.

Adapting to the situation

However, a lot was lost and there is still no end to this fight for survival of the human race. Conversations about health care, mental health, diversity and inclusion became more relevant day by day. In revolutionary times like these, when the world is being affected in profound ways, consumer’s lives are undergoing vital change. Therefore, in order to create meaningful connections marketers need to rethink their approach towards adapting to #thenewnormal.

Influencer marketing underwent an overwhelming transformation during this period. It shows how creativity and entrepreneurship can endure trying circumstances and compliment the resolve of survivor’s to play the game till the end.

Changing behavior of customers

With more time in hand, more and more people are spending a huge chunk of their daily time online. Social media saw a massive spike in the number of users. From school and college teaching shifting to online methods, offices turning into cyber workspaces and family gatherings changing into familial video conferencing; people of all ages are hooked in one way or the other into the great internet. Social media is naturally the fuel to this great digital engine. There are spikes in the number of users who are bringing their daily activities, innermost emotions and thoughtful feelings into these technological spaces. Online activity is on the rise and all facts and figures indicate a remarkable boost in digital consumption since the global pandemic and lockdown.

Fact check: According to a research conducted by Open Influence on 3.5M+ Twitter posts, hashtags like #StayHome have become digital hubs where content creators are taking part in cultural conversations.

Embrace the Absolute Power of Social Media

If you are someone who calls themselves technologically challenged and finds it difficult to accept social media as a reliable source of business planning, now is the time to change that once and for all. The growing number of people spending more and more time online and on social media means that there is a seminal amount of population that are potential customers, loyal partners or beneficial networks. Ignoring this medium, will definitely prove harmful to your business prospects and keep you behind your competitors. Edtech, medical services, ecommerce, beauty and fashion industries, and the list of companies turning to social media are never-ending. The world is the palm of your hands and success clicks away.

Reinventing for the New Normal

The virus we are fighting is not visible to the eyes; people are blinded by fear and sadness. But when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. It is important to tap into the power of digital trends and online conversations. The best way to do this is through an effective influencer marketing strategy.

  • Be relevant: Leverage the power of influencers to deliver content aimed at maximizing reach and connection. Influencers are leaders in their niche and enjoy a position of authority among their followers. Brands looking to grab the attention of their target customers need to find the right influencers to get the right results.
  • Add value: Influencers who are passionate and authentic hold the enviable power of persuasion and can easily control the buying habit of their followers. Followers depend on their favorite influencers for useful information and tips. In order to use and increase sales, utilize influencer marketing to deliver valuable content.
  • Active Engagement: Influencers have become integral parts of our lives. It’s not just entertainment that they are providing; they have become cultural icons for this generation and a great source of creative output. Brands cannot ignore the massive sway they hold amongst the young and the old.

Leadership Roles in Crisis

While celebrity culture is in decline, the influencer culture is on the rise. Anyone, literally anyone can become an influencer. From large-budget, highly polished and edited content to raw, in-the-moment creative material, social media influencers have blurred the boundaries between creators and consumers.

Influencers are using all the technological tools and creative resourcefulness to tackle this unseemly situation and proving relevant, compelling and educating content. Marketers merging their knowledge with these talented futuristic leaders can easily dominate the digital environment. With an up-to-date influencer marketing strategy, nurture your brand in #thenewnormal!

Survival of the Fittest

The digital environment is a ruthless jungle and only the fittest can survive the cut-throat competition. Influencers are digital inhabitants who have mastered the rules of the jungle and have been able to rule the social media platform in their own right. By relying on their skill to monetize social media presence, we can easily set our standards high on coming out of these turbulent times. Their multi-channel reach is a sure-shot way to reach customers spending their time on a variety of digital platforms.

There is no guarantee that you will come out unscathed out of this economic meltdown. But there is a definite evidential claim that you will be ousted out of relevance if you remain unfocused on the connection between influencer marketing and social media management.

Towards solutions

It is a known fact that hard times bring out the best in us. Challenges make champions. Marketers can become the ray of hope during these tough times by bringing relevant content to their audience and adding value to their community.

Another important quality marketers must evolve is leaning in to support others be the voice of reason in an otherwise crazy situation. Problem-solving skills and taking initiative to be more co-active in digital spaces of interaction are essential to formulate a survival strategy for brands. The importance of leading through tough situations has become the most valued quality in the post-pandemic era amongst influencers, marketers and brand experts. Adjusting to the new normal will be an extremely grueling task, but the hard work of today’s warriors will be exalted by future generations who will look back on with pride.

Mentorship, guidance and building a holistic support system between brands and customers can be the most influential thing to do in town right now. This change in the mindset of influencer marketing will be pivotal to positive change and definitely succeed in bringing leadership qualities to the forefront.


Leaders who will bring a sense of purpose to their brand story-telling can create long-term connection with their audience. By bringing a human element to their marketing strategy, they create the possibility of coming out of the crisis stronger than ever. Perseverance and endurance are the key features helping businesses stay afloat during the pandemic. It is common to feel de-motivated and anxious, watching the entire world – along with marketing – turning upside down. But it’s precisely in these troubled times when we need to dig deeper, forge a loyal connection with audiences and give authenticity to the voices of compassion and empathy. In short, influencer marketing must adapt to the changing times and be the message of growth and courage.

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