Home Improvement

Wireless Security Cameras For Home


A camera that can transmit live videos and audios to a receiver through a radio band without any wire connection simply known as” wireless camera” or “Close Circuit Television” (CCTV) or “wireless surveillance camera”.

Why We Need Security Camera For  Home

Popularity of these cameras are increasing day by day as you can keep  your eye on your home when you are away and not only these cameras record all the activities but also it can send you live footage  to your PC, Mac or smart phone any time and anywhere through Internet connection.

To provide your home extra security, “surveillance camera” would be one of the best option for everyone. If you are a working lady or on a tour for few days or often stay away from  home due to work and worried about your home security then this could be the best solution for your concern. That’s why people are looking for must advanced and reliable security camera.

There are various types of cameras available in the market but the design and features of wireless security camera makes it best choice for home surveillance and small offices  or pools etc .Why choose wireless over wired security camera ?

Lets check out some of the key features of both camera.

Wired vs Wireless Security Cameras

  • Advantages of Wireless Security Cameras:

  1. Low installation cost.No need to have expensive video extension cable.
  2. Can be mounted or installed anywhere you want , places where you can not install  wired camera system .
  3. You can also change the location of camera easily  yourself without any problem. No need to call electrician or service center.
  4. Two way communication between camera and receiver is possible. Means you can send signal from your receiver to your camera which is a key feature that is not available in Wired  Security Camera System.
  5. Do not need  much space and doesn’t look ugly like wired security cameras.
  6. Inexpensive and compatible.
  7. Good picture quality.
  • Disadvantages:

  •  Only problem it has is “radio interference”. Other network may interfere its connectivity and produce poor signal.
  • Can not be useful  without Internet connection.

So if you see its features and compatibility , it would be a wise decision to buy wireless security camera rather than wired security camera for home.

How to Choose the Best Security Camera for Home

There are so many security cameras available in the market. So the general question people ask “how to decide which one should we buy” ?

It depends on your need. How many room or areas to cover, outdoor or indoor, budget and advance features you need for better surveillance.

Areas to Cover

Pan tilt zoom cameras are best suited for larger area. Because you can move its direction , zoom in or out for better view and can focus on any particular area of you choice.Also you can multiple cameras for better surveillance.

Outdoor Or Indoor

Outdoor Camera is slightly different from indoor security camera because it needs an additional feature of weather resistance quality, as it is exposed to the atmosphere. Indoor camera has to be compatible so that can be placed anywhere.

Video Quality

There are large range of camera available from black & white to Full HD quality. If you want to buy better video producing camera it may be little more expensive but video quality will definitely give you an edge.

Night Vision

Another feature  to watch out for is “night vision ability”. Is it able to record good quality videos in darkness? If there is low light or no light these few cameras are able to produce good picture which is an advanced feature you must look for complete security.

We can also divide cameras into two types

Reactive Vs Proactive Security Camera

Reactive Security Cameras

These cameras only record the videos and audios when it sense any motion or activity .When you want you can check those video footage.It lacks of advance features. Must of the cameras do the same .

Proactive Security Camera or IP camera

It is the must advance form of cameras available in the market and the best suited for home security. Not only it records video and audio like any other camera system but also it sends notification to your mobile device when ever any motion or sound detected.

You will get instant message and can browse live video on your mobile device on 3g or 4g connection where ever you are, so that you can act before anything wrong happen.

Another benefit it has, the ability of two way communication. You can actually talk to the person who is visible in front of the camera through your smart mobile device.

So if you are looking for buying security CCTV Cameras for your home then consider the above factors and choose the best one for yourself. For any query or suggestion you may contact me or comment below. I would be happy to help you.

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